Free To Paid Access

13 Oct 2021
7 min read

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With the increasing variety in every field, business is no less behind in this race. There are different types of business models rising to the surface in this era where development is at its peaks. Out of numerous business models, a particular model is both in use and talked these days. Yeah, your guess is right. It’s ,Free to paid access.#ThinkWithNiche


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What’s this free to paid model? When you’re a content creator on the internet with an audience, you could  provide paid course, membership products that send people audio or video content, eBooks, or other types of information. 

A few years back , only products and items acted as scalable things for business, but now the definition of scalable has changed accoding to the need of time. What does this mean? It means now you possess the capability to scale up your time and be a valuable provider. How? lets explore . We now live in a world where skills are more valuable than any certificate or degree. This has enabled creators and skilled personnel to provide their knowledge and expertise online, only with a monetized model . For example, if you are a pro-guitarist, you can take courses including basics about guitar, how to start from basic, intermediate, or even pro-level, and providing value to the community with your talent.You can simply ask for a monetary return for your expertise. 

But people don’t directly rely on some course on the internet, they suspect  it might be fraud. Here, dives in the “free to paid access” business model. ,applying  the pro-guitarist example, you can simply put out a few free classes online for people to know what your content looks like, feels like and make them decide are they willing to make the required amount of payment for the quality  you are delivering. This increases your chances of making income exponentially compared to the older method of simply offering  a paid course. 

This works in the same way for businesses. If your business provides the community with some services, you can provide it free for a month or two or even three and then later go for a paid service . But these three free months aren’t just an opportunity to test your service and its quality; but it is an even bigger opportunity for you to provide the best and most genuine performance. The higher your quality the greater the possibilities of making a lifetime customer. 

You must understand the importance of these free months of service you provide. These are the months where you can impress your customer to the level where they can’t imagine their day without your service. 

All you need to keep in mind is that the service you provide must be authentic and premium. Your customer must understand the difference between the normal version and premium version .

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