Founder To Ceo

23 Sep 2021
8 min read

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When an entrepreneur begins his journey, several times it is their first-ever experience as a business person. But as their idea is converted into a well-spun business, a change in their psyche, behavior, and thinking is necessary. This change is necessary because you are no more a guy with an idea, you are now responsible for the impact your idea is going to make on the world, the people, and especially your own life. The transition from a founder to a Chief executive officer is very subtle but big at the same time, hence it demands huge attention in a lot of aspects.#ThinkWithNiche


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So today let’s shine some light on the changes you are going to experience and things you need to keep in mind while this transition.

1. Growth demands change

OK. Fine, it’s a catchy quote but what does it imply? Well, my reader the change in your position will require you to change your mentality. And this change will be demanded in every aspect of everything that surrounds you. It will ask you to change the perspective you hold for your product; it will ask you not see your ideas as some sort of problem but also as a product that will require an ample amount of marketing to make it popular, known, and used, You might even have to alter your product a little bit to make it presentable. 

The computer you use daily is nothing but circuit boards, integrated chips, and other intricate items, but you don’t see billboards of chips and circuits, rather you get to see a laptop, just a laptop. Of course, chips and circuits might attract some computer nerds but not everyone, so to make it presentable it is backed by a designing team to make it look compact and comfortable to handle because no one wants to jingle through the forest of wires. The idea is to look at your service from a customer point of view and not as an originator of an idea, product, or service.

2. You are your team now

Yes, actually it says it all. But as simple as this sounds, it becomes a little difficult to manage, especially for young minds. At the beginning of your idea, you are sure to be an individual or a team of people who can be counted on your fingertips. The difficulty begins when you transition from having full control over your idea to distributing tasks to your then expanded team. This newly formed team may have absolutely no to little idea about what your project is about,  which might become a problem for you, your products in your company because a difference in understanding will cost you mistakes. Hence, to safely transition, you must keep a check on your team if they are on the same as you are.

3. Trust

Yes, you will have to trust your production team for their assigned work. It is a general phenomenon of trusting yourself moreover others, especially when it is the work you excel at. It will be hard to trust someone else for your job to be done as perfectly as you would do. So, to improve the trust between you and your employee, the easiest way is to make them feel and understand your motive behind the project and the quality with which they have to deliver up. This understanding will get you results in an amplified manner.

Maintaining this trustworthy relationship with your employee will help your career as a CEO and strengthen your bonds as your team grows. A healthy start will lead to a healthy company.

TWN In-Focus