Now Apple's Look To Launch Next Big AI Product Self-Driving Car Project

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Now Apple's Look To Launch Next Big AI Product Self-Driving Car Project
13 Sep 2021
6 min read

News Synopsis

The news about the launch of a self-driving car is on has been quite the topic among people. This project looks like one of the wide-spectrum biggest bets. Apple striving to produce new advanced technology in the automobile markets. This auto-drive car has self-control qualities and is electric. Artificial Intelligence related electronic products can change the world views and make the succor daily life of the people. Other companies are also launching artificial intelligence self-control, the electric device 2021. Also, Apple is working on a headset that would mix virtual and amplified reality, although they will announce it at the end of 2022. Many customers are waiting for Apple's new products that is why Apple is a pompous flourishing organization in the world.

TWN In-Focus