Google To Soon Alert Users About Suspicious Messages From Unknown Senders: Here's What You Need to Know

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Google To Soon Alert Users About Suspicious Messages From Unknown Senders: Here's What You Need to Know
10 Apr 2024
5 min read

News Synopsis

As online scams continue to pose a significant threat, Google is taking proactive steps to protect users from falling victim to phishing scams via messaging apps. With a new feature in development, Google aims to alert users about suspicious messages from unknown senders, enhancing user security and thwarting cyber threats.

Addressing the Rising Cyber Threat:

The proliferation of online scams has resulted in financial losses for numerous individuals, highlighting the pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures. Cybercriminals exploit communication platforms like WhatsApp and mobile messaging to deceive users and extract sensitive information or money, posing a grave risk to unsuspecting individuals.

Google's Preventive Measure:

To combat the growing menace of phishing scams, Google is reportedly developing a new feature for messaging apps. This feature entails a pop-up notification that will appear when users attempt to open an SMS from an unfamiliar sender, serving as a precautionary measure to deter potential threats.

Why Google Messages security update Matters?

  • Phishing scams are a prevalent threat, where fraudsters impersonate trusted entities to trick victims into clicking malicious links.

  • These links can lead to fake websites designed to steal sensitive information like login credentials.

  • Google's new warning system is a significant step towards deterring phishing attempts and protecting user data.

Enhanced Warning Mechanism:

The proposed warning mechanism aims to prompt users to exercise caution before interacting with messages or clicking on any links from unknown senders. The notification explicitly highlights the potential risk associated with opening links from unfamiliar contacts and encourages users to verify the legitimacy of the message before proceeding.

How the Google's New Warning System Works"

  • Building upon existing security features, the new update goes beyond basic warnings.

  • The pop-up explicitly states "Caution: this sender isn't one of your contacts" and warns that "Links from unknown people may open unwanted and harmful content."

  • To proceed, users must acknowledge the potential risk by checking a box confirming they understand the link might be harmful, or they can choose to cancel the action entirely.

Implementation Details:

According to recent reports, Google Messages has already integrated a robust security feature for links received via RCS chats. The updated warning system explicitly notifies users about the sender's unfamiliarity and the potential risks associated with opening links from unknown contacts. Users must acknowledge the risk before proceeding, ensuring informed decision-making and enhanced user safety.

Global Rollout and Anticipated Impact:

While initially spotted in RCS mode, the enhanced warning mechanism is expected to extend to standard SMS as well, benefitting Android users globally. The introduction of this feature represents a significant advancement in deterring phishing scams and bolstering user security across messaging platforms.

Google's Proactive Measures for User Protection:

In anticipation of Google's new security feature and to mitigate the risk of falling victim to phishing scams, users are encouraged to adopt proactive measures. These include verifying the sender's identity, exercising caution in response to urgent messages, scrutinizing URLs for irregularities, refraining from sharing sensitive information, and promptly reporting suspicious messages to relevant authorities.

Staying Safe Beyond Google Messages

  • While Google's update focuses on Messages, it's crucial to practice vigilance across all messaging platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram.

  • Here are some essential security tips to remember:

    • Verify the Sender: Always confirm the sender's identity before interacting with messages or links. Be cautious of unfamiliar senders or messages with suspicious content.

    • Beware of Urgency: Phishing scams often create a sense of urgency to pressure immediate action. Take a moment to assess the message before responding or clicking links.

    • Inspect URLs Carefully: Before clicking, hover over links to preview the URL. Look for irregularities or misspellings in the domain name, as these could be red flags.

    • Avoid Sharing Personal Information: Never share sensitive information, like passwords or account numbers, through messaging platforms. Legitimate organizations typically don't request such information via unsolicited messages.

    • Report Suspicious Messages: Report any suspicious messages to the platform's support team or relevant authorities. Reporting helps protect other users and combat phishing attempts.


As Google prepares to launch its new security feature, users must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding against phishing scams. By staying informed, exercising caution, and adopting preventive measures, individuals can protect themselves from cyber threats and contribute to creating a safer online environment.

By adopting these measures alongside Google's upcoming security update, users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing scams and safeguard their online security.